Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Power of Perception

I sometimes forget just how powerful perception can be. As I continue talking with business owners about the opportunities that are and will be available in the Cloud, a couple of things become glaringly obvious.

One, is the fact that almost no one outside of the IT world has any idea what Cloud Computing is let alone what it can do for them. And two, even after providing some kind of description it still doesn't make sense. So during a lunch meeting with a group of small business owners I showed them what it means.

After a basic explanation of what the Cloud is and could mean for them, I paused and said "let me show you something". I asked to see one of the iPhones on the table, held it up and explained that I could use this iPhone which didn't even belong to me and log into any aspect of my business, right there, right then.

It was as simple as that, they got it.

After the meeting a gentleman came up and mentioned that we live much of our lives online right now and if people are just reminded of that, they'll get Cloud Computing.

As I though about it, I realized that he was exactly right. We bank online, share photos and videos, chat, file taxes, send email and the list goes on and on. We are in fact much more an online "Cloud computing" world than I had really even paid attention to.

We work in the cloud everyday. Flikr, Picassa, Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Turbotax Online, Gmail, and Yahoo are just some of the examples of how we use Cloud computing everyday and don't give it a second thought.

So why have businesses been slow to use the tools in the Cloud like Google Apps? Perception! I think in general that business owners just don't realize that using the online applications for their business communication is no different than sharing photos or doing their taxes.

Some how it doesn't seem "businessy" enough I guess. Maybe the perception of using online tools is great for photos or chatting, but real business has to happen on "the office computer" to be real.

Well I hope to play a role in changing that perception. Serious businesses all over the world are taking advantage of the benefits of online applications.

Even setting aside how many businesses are moving to the Cloud, I'm the first to admit that Cloud computing is not perfect, but it's ready for use! And use it you should.

"Ready for use", with all it's benefits needs to be the new perception and when it is, that power will move the way business is do forever.

See you in the Cloud,


Monday, November 3, 2008

The Storm is coming!

I've been waiting for this day for a really long time. The storm of Cloud computing is finally here and big changes are in store from some really big names.

One of those big names...Microsoft. Now, I'm by no means a Microsoft hater, but it does seem like their approach to the cloud is a little like there approach to the iPod.

When the Zune came out it seemed like nothing more than Microsoft's attempt to dabble in that "little" online music thing. Their Cloud computing announcements this week seem like the same "we're going to dabble". And if it goes anything like traditional Microsoft launches, well...

Their announcement does, however, give another strike of legitimacy to Cloud computing. As if Google, Amazon and aren't credible enough with their massive efforts in the cloud!

This idea of Cloud computing has been in the back of my mind for many years and I have sat watching and anticipating the day when it was really ready to use. Well, even though it has a long way to go in terms of adoption, it's here, ready and offers measurable benefits.

I've become almost giddy with excitement about what this means for business owners all over the world. In fact, that's why I founded with my partner Matt Castelli. We're going to do everything in our power to help people start enjoying the Cloud benefits now rather than later. It's become a real passion.

I never anticipated becoming so passionate about something so intangible but wow...I am!

Cloud computing brings real computing power to almost any business and all you need is a browser and Internet connection. How cool is that? No more huge expense and IT headache. Let someone else manage that part of it. Just use the tools when, where and how you want. It's that simple.

Having been around computers and software for more than 25 years I've always been confused as to why ease of use wasn't always the main unbendable law of powerful software development. That frustration is largely over thanks to the Cloud.

Now before I give the impression that my head is completely in the Cloud, it's not yet the perfect solution for everyone. But, with thousands and thousands of developers all over the world working to create amazing new applications and tools every day, you can bet that the gap between now and then will be bridged very soon.

So the Storm is Coming! But this is a storm that you should welcome. The only thing this storm is going to destroy is your current frustrations with the cost and headache of computing!

See you in the Cloud,
